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Media owner & responsible for the content

Manuela Hermetter qualifying PEOPLE eU 

Glanweg 26, 9063 Maria Saal, Austria

Phone: +43 664 532 61 31 

Object of the company: Management consultancy including the company organization 

according to § 94 Z 74 GeWO 1994
Legal form: sole proprietorship
Trade Authority: Regional Court of Klagenfurt
Member of the WKO, Carinthia Chamber of Commerce


Commercial Register No.: FN 420963p

VAT number: ATU68981756

web design

Manuela Hermetter


Portrait and group photos: Simone Attisani photographer

General photo credits:, 


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Insofar as personal designations are only given in the male form in the content, they expressly refer to women and men in the same way.


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